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Ejector Types

Custom Designed Ejectors


All Transvac Ejectors are custom designed, to suit the specific requirements of each and every project. There are multiple types of Ejectors, classified by duty, connection type, material of construction etc., as detailed below. Each of these elements can be customised as required.




Ejectors are also known as Eductors, Jet Pumps, Surface Jet Pumps, Velocity Spools (for Saudi Aramco) or Venturi’s.

Size 16 ‘Universal Design’ Gas Ejector in LTCS with Alloy 625 Weld Overlay & 6MO Internals, supplied complete with Silencers in Super Duplex.

Features of a Custom Designed Ejector


As Ejector specialists, we use naming conventions to help describe our Ejectors in more detail. The duty defines the unit type by identifying what fluid streams are passing through the Ejector. For example, a Gas Jet Ejector (GJE) describes an Ejector with Gas on both the motive and suction connections. A Liquid Jet Compressor (LJC) describes a liquid motivated Ejector, designed to entrain and compress gas. A Liquid Jet Pump (LJC) describes a liquid motivated Ejector entraining or pumping a secondary liquid stream.


Although we have around 50 different naming conventions, you do not need to worry! We are happy to use the ‘umbrella’ name of ‘Ejector’ for all of these variations.

Ejector Size

Our team will usually ‘size’ an Ejector for you, based upon your required process information. This sizing is dictated by the volume, pressure and velocity of the fluid streams passing through the Ejector.


The designated size of an Ejector or Jet Pump is based on its largest connection size, which is usually either the suction or discharge connection. For example, if a Steam Jet Ejector has a 14” suction connection and a 12” discharge connection, we would refer to the unit as a “Size 14 Steam Jet Ejector”.


Unlike other Ejector types, the size of a Transvac Jet Mixer (Unit Type TJM) is based upon the discharge size.


The size of Silencers associated with Gas-Gas Ejectors and sometimes Steam Ejectors are based on the process connection sizes and not the outer shell size.


Future Cases

When using Transvac patented Universal Design Ejectors we often size the Ejector body for future operating cases to ensure new Internals can be accommodated. This approach is primarily used for production boosting and flare gas recovery in the oil & gas industry.

Materials of Construction

Transvac Ejectors are offered in many different materials grades and forms to suit the process conditions of each application.


The most common materials of construction for Ejectors are Carbon Steel and Stainless Steel, but Transvac has also supplied many Ejectors in other materials including:

  • High Yield Carbon Steel
  • Duplex & Super Duplex
  • Alloy 625 & 825
  • 6MO
  • Chrome Moly
  • Hastelloy C276
  • Titanium
  • Ceramic
  • Tungsten Carbide
  • Graphite
  • PTFE
  • Polypropylene
  • uPVC


Further information on Materials can be found here.

Connection Types

We can supply Ejector with a wide range of connection types, such as;



Fixed Flanges (RFSO, RFWN, RTJ etc)

Galvanized steel backing flanges

Stub end with backing flanges


Quick Release

Clamp and hub type connections (e.g. Destec, Gray-Lok)

Other instantaneous type connections (e.g. Cam-Lok, Bauer etc)


Welding Connection

Weld prepped ends (suitable for butt welding into pipework)

Socket weld





Plain Spigot

Hygienic or sanitary


Other non-standard or a variety of the above connections are employed.

Fixed or Universal Design

Ejectors can be supplied with the option to remove and replace the internal parts (nozzle & diffuser sections).


Find out more on our Universal Design page here.


Alternatively, we can offer ‘fixed design’ Ejectors, which do not have this option but can sometimes be lower cost.

Universal Design Ejector

Surface Finish

We offer a wide range of surface finishes including;


  • Natural (The standard finish includes pickle and passivation and may include a bead blast process.)
  • Polished
  • Painted (may include a shotblasting process)


Certain applications require internal Ejector lining, coating or inserts. For example;



  • Ceramic
  • Tungsten Carbide
  • Stellite
  • Rubber lining
  • Fluoropolymer (eg PTFE, ECTFE, PFA etc) lining.