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Chemical Dosing

Ejectors for Chemical Dosing

Our Ejectors are used globally in a multitude of chemical dosing applications. Ejectors operate without any moving parts, so are ideal to dose chemicals both safely and efficiently. Where other mechanical dosing pumps may wear and fail, Ejectors offer seamless, reliable performance day in, day out.


Our Liquid Jet Pumps are designed to accurately entrain, mix and dilute a secondary liquid, eliminating the need for mechanical dosing pumps and mixers.


Depending on your specific application we can manufacture systems to dose liquids, solids and gasses. We also design combination systems for combined dosing and heating.


Ejectors can be designed as part of skid packages or installed directly into existing pipework. Chemical dosing ejectors are often supplied alongside our Tank Mixing systems.

Chemical Dosing with Ejectors

Typical Chemical Dosing Applications for Water Treatment

Chlorine Dosing

PAC Dosing

Ozone Dosing

Lime Dosing

Ion Exchange Resin

Liquid Dosing


Our liquid chemical dosing systems operate using our Liquid Jet Pump technology. These Ejectors entrain liquid chemicals by using a high-pressure liquid motive. It is often the case that a liquid motive is already available on-site from a pre-existing process. After entraining the desired chemical, the liquid motive and chemical are mixed thoroughly and discharged from the Ejector at pressure.


If there is a requirement to dose multiple chemicals simultaneously, we can provide two ports for chemical inputs.

Liquid Jet Pump for Chemical Dosing

Solids Dosing


To dose solids, we use our Liquid Jet Solids Pumps. These units can be manufactured as either portable or stationary designs. Skid mounting is also available. In most common applications, a powdered version of the dosing chemical is fed into the pump via hopper, screw feeder, silo or bulk bag.


We also manufacture hygienic models, with protective hoods. These help to prevent the transfer of hazardous chemicals during hopper top up or maintenance.


This technology is also used as the basis to our proprietary PAC Dosing system, TransPAC.

Powder Dosing Ejector with Hopper

Advantages of Ejectors for Chemical Dosing

No moving parts

Minimal and non-specialist maintenance

Compact, low weight design

Can be made from corrosion resistant materials

Hygienic designs available

Corrosion Resistance


Ejectors are particularly suited to chemical dosing applications due to the range of fabrication materials available.


Depending on your specific requirements, we can manufacture from PTFE, polypropylene, stainless steel, hastelloy and titanium. PTFE units can be supplied with carbon steel support shells where necessary.


We can also fabricate from other materials as required. For more information on materials of construction, please visit our Materials page here.

Liquid JEt Pump for Chemical Dosing