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Ejectors for Desalination

The huge increase in demand for clean water has driven the need for efficient and robust Desalination systems. To support this global need for clean water, Transvac has developed highly efficient Ejector design. This has been achieved through in-house CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) and physical testing at its unique R&D test facility in the UK.


The innovative design produced by Transvac’s in-house Ejector Technology Development Programme has now been proven and validated at pilot scale and is being incorporated into one of the most advanced, state-of-the-art Desalination processes.


For full-scale Desalination Plants, Transvac’s unique, liquid motivated, Multi-Channel Ejector technology would be used, as it offers a range of key benefits when compared to conventional Ejector designs.



If you would like to know more about our Ejectors for desalination, please contact us here.

Transvac Multi-channel Ejector for Desalination
Transvac's Ejector Test Facility