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Online Ejector Software

Ejector Technology at your fingertips

Transvac Engineers have designed a range of online software tools to enable our clients to run preliminary Ejector screening. Our aim is to make the technology more accessible to Engineers across the Oil & Gas and process industries.


Gas and Liquid-driven Ejector software is currently available online. This includes our super-high compression range of Liquid Jet Compressors (LJCs). Kindly note that Steam Ejectors are not yet covered in the gas software, therefore, please contact us with your process information for Steam Ejector sizing.


Our clients can now access the very latest in Ejector technology at the click of a mouse," explains Gary Short, Design & Innovation Director. "The online tools provide instant feedback on Ejector performance, fast-tracking the screening process."

To request login details, please complete the form. Transvac will review all requests before granting access so please provide as much detail as possible.


If you already have an account, you can Log In here.

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